
Your Landscape With Native Plants

Find Native Plants

Learn where to purchase plants and seeds that are native to your location.
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Care for Native Plants

Plant Native Plants

How to design and prep your space, and plan for plant needs and growing patterns.
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Care for Native Plants

How to care for and nurture your plants--watering, weeding, seasonal tips, and more.
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Native Bee

Why Native Plants?

Why native plants? Because approximately 90% of herbivorous insect species are dependent on plants they have co-evolved with for thousands of years. Invertebrates are keys to a vital food web, so native plants contribute to a healthy, toxin-free landscape and abundance of wildlife. And they save water, energy, and time. Adding native species to your yard is the easiest thing you can do to contribute to a healthier planet.

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Native Plants
Native Flowers

Find the Best Places to Shop for Your Garden Plants and Seeds

We provide helpful information and respond to questions about where you can go—both in person and online—to purchase plants or seeds.

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What Are Native Plants?

Have you ever stopped to marvel at the diversity of plant life near your home? What qualifies as a “native plant?” And why are certain plants adapted to thrive in specific regions? Welcome to the amazing world of native plants, the green heroes of our local ecosystems. These are the plants that have evolved over thousands of years, perfectly adapted to the climate, soil, and local wildlife of their particular region.

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Children in Wild Plant Garden

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