
Black-Eyed Susan

10 Top Drought-Tolerant Plants for Your Native Garden

Did you know that the typical American lawn is responsible for around two-thirds of the average homeowner’s water bill? And that most locally evolved plants do not need supplemental water…

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Gardening Tools

The Hori Hori Knife: One of the Most Versatile Tools You’ll Ever Own

When I was choosing what gifts to give friends this winter, there was one item that I knew would be at the top of the list: a hori hori knife.…

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Wild Native Plant Garden

10 Fantastic Reasons to Embrace Native Plants in Your Garden

Locally evolved plants are where it’s at when it comes to designing a thriving, toxin-free garden or landscape. Let me share 10 surprising reasons why you should choose them for…

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Spring Garden Cleanup

Don’t Rush Into Spring Garden Cleanup

Hold your rakes, my green-thumbed friends! For the sake of our beloved pollinators, it’s best to resist that spring garden cleanup fever, at least for a little while longer.

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Native Plants

Eco-Gardening Trends That Pack a Punch

There’s a lot of focus now on plants that play a crucial role in gardens and landscapes. These are the true superstars, like sunflowers (Helianthus spp.), wild native asters (Symphyotrichum),…

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Ecological Gardening

Getting Started with Native Plants: A Little Knowledge Plus a Positive Mindset

It’s probably easier than you think to uncover basic knowledge about plant species that are locally appropriate for your garden or landscape. If your local plant store doesn’t have someone…

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