Plant Wild Articles

25 Native Plants for the Piedmont Ecoregion
Decatur, GA 30033
Decatur, Georgia, located in the Southern Outer Piedmont ecoregion, offers an ideal environment for cultivating a diverse array of native plants that support local pollinators and…

Native Plant Profile: Curlycup Gumweed (Grindelia squarrosa)
A Keystone of Resilience
Grindelia squarrosa, known as curlycup gumweed, is a biennial or short-lived perennial native to North America. Its distinctive sticky resin and bright yellow flowers make…

10 Great Tips for Seed Storing
Boost Your Garden’s Success with Proper Storage
Collecting and storing seeds from native plants is a rewarding practice that not only helps gardeners save money but also contributes to…

Native Plant Profile: White Meadowsweet (Spiraea alba)
Fragrant White Flowers Bloom from June to September
Spiraea alba, commonly known as White Meadowsweet, is a deciduous shrub native to eastern and midwestern North America. It belongs to…

25 Native Plants for the Central Great Plains
Lincoln, NE 68516
For gardeners in Lincoln, Nebraska, selecting native plants can create a vibrant, low-maintenance landscape that benefits pollinators and other animals. This curated list of 25 native…

Best Ways to Harvest Seeds from Coneflowers
When to Collet, How to Germinate and Sow These Popular Natives
Harvesting seeds from coneflowers is a practice that not only saves money but also promotes biodiversity in your…

25 Native Plants for the Southern California Coastal Plain
Inglewood, CA 90302
The Los Angeles Plain, part of the Southern California Coastal Plain ecoregion, boasts a diverse array of native plants that are well-adapted to the local climate…

Native Plant Profile: Missouri Goldenrod (Solidago missouriensis)
Solidago missouriensis, commonly known as Missouri goldenrod, is a perennial herbaceous plant native to North America. It is a member of the Asteraceae family and is recognized for its bright…

The Best Milkweed for Butterflies
By planting milkweed for butterflies in your garden, you can help these beautiful insects make a comeback. Let’s talk about why milkweed matters, what the best milkweed for butterflies is…

25 Native Plants for the Middle Rockies Ecoregion
Bozeman, Montana 59718
If you’re looking to create a garden that thrives in Bozeman, Montana, and supports local pollinators and wildlife, consider this list. These plants are not only…

Sowing Seeds in Fall for a Lush Spring Garden
By sowing seeds in the fall, you give these plants a head start, allowing them to emerge vibrant and resilient in the spring. By ordering seeds now and preparing for…

Native Plant Profile: Smooth Blue Aster (Symphyotrichum laeve)
Symphyotrichum laeve, or Smooth Blue Aster, is a perennial plant native to North America, known for its vibrant blue flowers that bloom from late summer to fall. This species is…

20 Native Plants for the Southern Outer Piedmont Ecoregion
Birmingham, Alabama 35201
Native plants play a crucial role in supporting local ecosystems and wildlife, particularly in urban and suburban areas. For gardeners in Birmingham, Alabama, located in the…

Native Plant Profile: Silky Phacelia (Phacelia sericea)
Phacelia sericea, commonly known as Silky Phacelia or Blue Alpine Phacelia, is a striking perennial native to western North America that offers both aesthetic appeal and ecological benefits for native…

4 Things You Can Do in Late Summer for a Great Native Plant Fall Garden
It’s not too early for eco-friendly gardeners to prepare their native plant landscapes to bring out the best in a fall garden. Late summer is the perfect opportunity to assess…

20 Native Plants for the Northeastern Highlands Ecoregion
Montpelier, VT 05602
Native plants play a crucial role in supporting local ecosystems and wildlife in Vermont. This curated list of 20 native plants, specifically selected for the Montpelier…

Native Plant Profile: Plains Coreopsis (Coreopsis tinctoria)
How Plains Coreopsis Colors Your World and Supports Ecosystems
Coreopsis tinctoria, commonly known as Plains Coreopsis or Golden Tickseed, is an annual flowering plant native to North America. A…

The Magnificent Milkweeds
Milkweeds Play an Essential Role in American Ecosystems and Gardens
In the tapestry of American flora, few plants play as crucial a role as the humble milkweed. These often-overlooked…

20 Native Plants for the Middle Atlantic Coastal Ecoregion
Wilmington, NC (28403)
The Middle Atlantic Coastal Plain in southeast North Carolina offers a rich diversity of native plants that can create vibrant, pollinator-friendly gardens. This curated list of…

10 Wildlife-Friendly Plants That Thrive in Wet Garden Locations
Native plants offer numerous benefits to local ecosystems, especially when planted in areas where they naturally thrive. For homeowners with wet areas in their yards, choosing the right native plants…

100 Interesting Facts About Native Plants
Locally Evolved Species Can Make All the Difference
Native plants offer a wealth of benefits for gardens, from supporting local ecosystems to reducing maintenance needs. This comprehensive list of…

20 Native Plants for the Mississippi Alluvial Plain Ecoregion
Fisherville, TN (38017)
Native plants are essential for maintaining local ecosystems and biodiversity. This guide presents a curated list of 20 native plants ideal for gardens and landscapes in…

10 Top Drought-Tolerant Plants for Your Native Garden
Did you know that the typical American lawn is responsible for around two-thirds of the average homeowner’s water bill? And that most locally evolved plants do not need supplemental water…

20 Native Plants for the High Plains Ecoregion
Windsor, CO (80550)
Native plants are essential for maintaining local ecosystems and biodiversity. This guide presents a curated list of 20 native plants ideal for gardens and landscapes in…

Native Plant Profile: Desert Four O’Clock (Mirabilis multiflora)
As evening falls over the hot, dry landscape, an unassuming yet remarkable plant comes alive. The Colorado Four O’Clock or Desert Four O’Clock (Mirabilis multiflora) unfurls its vibrant magenta flowers,…

Get Started with Eco-Friendly Garden Design
Ideas You Can Use Today
Is garden design on your mind these days? Looking for quick ideas to lay out a new garden space? Whether you’re starting from scratch…

Native Plant List for Northern California
ZIP Code 96003
If you live in the Klamath/High North Coast Range ecoregion, here’s a list of 25 plants that are native to your ecoregion, are easy to grow,…

Book Review: “The Light Eaters” by Zoë Schlanger
A Compelling New Look at Plant Intelligence
In the prologue to The Light Eaters, author Zoë Schlanger invites us to the Hoh Rain Forest in Olympic National Park west…

Native Plant Profile: Nodding Onion (Allium cernuum)
Nodding onion (Allium cernuum) is a visually striking wildflower with drooping umbels of small, bell-shaped pink or white flowers. It’s native to large areas of the United States and Canada,…

Native Plant Profile: Lowbush Blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium)
Keystone Shrub with Fruit and Biodiversity Benefits
Lowbush blueberry, scientifically known as Vaccinium angustifolium, is a species of blueberry native to the north-central and eastern portions of North America. It…

The Hori Hori Knife: One of the Most Versatile Tools You’ll Ever Own
When I was choosing what gifts to give friends this winter, there was one item that I knew would be at the top of the list: a hori hori knife.…

Plant Wild People: Esther Bonney
Esther Bonney is a high school junior and the founder and director of Nurture Natives, a nationally recognized youth-led nonprofit driving change across the East Coast. Nurture…

10 Fantastic Reasons to Embrace Native Plants in Your Garden
Locally evolved plants are where it’s at when it comes to designing a thriving, toxin-free garden or landscape. Let me share 10 surprising reasons why you should choose them for…

Native Plant Profile: Wood Anemone (Anemone Quinquefolia)
The wood anemone (Anemone quinquefolia) or eastern windflower is a perennial, herbaceous wildflower native to the eastern and central United States.

Plant Wild People: Kim Matsushino
Kim Matsushino is the Habitat at Home Program Manager for Tucson Audubon Society, which serves to assist and recognize homeowners in creating safe urban habitat with native plants for birds…

Native Plant Profile: Prairie Smoke (Geum triflorum)
Geum triflorum, commonly known as Prairie Smoke, Old Man’s Whiskers, and Three-Flowered Avens, is a herbaceous perennial wildflower native to prairies and open woodlands across the western U.S. and north…

Don’t Rush Into Spring Garden Cleanup
Hold your rakes, my green-thumbed friends! For the sake of our beloved pollinators, it’s best to resist that spring garden cleanup fever, at least for a little while longer.

Eco-Gardening Trends That Pack a Punch
There’s a lot of focus now on plants that play a crucial role in gardens and landscapes. These are the true superstars, like sunflowers (Helianthus spp.), wild native asters (Symphyotrichum),…

The naked forest canopy means March’s strengthening sunbeams stream unimpeded to the forest floor, bathing the cold dirt and accumulated detritus from the dark season. The effect is not unlike…

Native Plant Profile: Butterfly Weed (Asclepias tuberosa)
Butterfly weed, scientifically known as Asclepias tuberosa, is a vibrant and ecologically significant perennial native to eastern and southwestern North America. Renowned for its bright orange to yellow-orange flowers, this plant…

Plant Wild People: Eryn Joy Murphy
Eryn Joy Murphy is the owner of Restorative Landscape Design, a Denver-based permaculture designer with a special passion for landscaping with native plants. She is also author of the recently…

How to Use Matrix Planting in Your Garden Designs
Matrix planting is a gardening technique that uses a dominant species or a few species to form a base or ‘matrix’ into which other plants are interwoven. This method is…

Getting Started with Native Plants: A Little Knowledge Plus a Positive Mindset
It’s probably easier than you think to uncover basic knowledge about plant species that are locally appropriate for your garden or landscape. If your local plant store doesn’t have someone…

Native Plant Profile: Cardinal Flower (Lobelia cardinalis)
Lobelia cardinalis, the cardinal flower (syn. L. fulgens), is a species of flowering plant in the bellflower family Campanulaceae native to the Americas, from southeastern Canada south through the eastern…

“Our Own Secret Gardens”
“At first people refuse to believe that a strange new thing can be done, then they begin to hope it can be done, then they see it can be done–then…

Plant Wild People: Gavin Boyce-Ratliff
Gavin Boyce-Ratliff is a landscape designer who grew up on a sheep farm in the green mountains of Vermont, where he developed an early appreciation for native New England flora…

Native Plant Profile: Rocky Mountain Beeplant (Cleomella serrulata)
Cleomella serrulata is a beautiful, pink-flowered annual herb that can grow up to 4 feet tall. It is commonly found along disturbed sites along roads, meadows, and rangelands in U.S.…

Grow Your Garden Early: The Ultimate Guide to Starting Seeds in a Milk Jug Greenhouse
Before relegating that empty plastic milk container to the recycling bin, consider transforming it into a milk jug greenhouse.

How Using Native Plants in Your Landscape Increases Biodiversity and Helps Ecosystems
Distinguishing between native and non-native plants can sometimes be a complex task. Typically, a native plant is one that has evolved in a particular region or environment without human intervention.…

On Moths, and Organizing the Non-Obvious
How many of us notice the efficiency of moths at spreading pollen at night? Very few, of course. Which makes them just one more of those non-obvious organizers of thriving…